Continent 8, a premier supplier of digital security measures for the iGaming sector, has attained Microsoft Silver Partner standing. This places them within the top echelon of Microsoft associates globally, a testament to their proficiency in providing superior solutions founded on Microsoft technologies. This distinction was diligently earned, encompassing stringent evaluation and assessment by Microsoft to guarantee Continent 8’s capacity to furnish high-caliber software, solutions, and assistance.

This accomplishment constitutes a pivotal element of Continent 8’s plan to evolve into the preferred source for cloud solutions within the worldwide gaming industry. They will now possess the capability to present their clientele with even more robust and adaptable solutions, encompassing those driven by Microsoft Azure Stack, a hybrid cloud infrastructure that empowers companies to provide services from their own data centers.

The firm declared a collaborative effort that will shortly enable associates to “modernize their virtual machine servers utilizing blended and hyperconverged infrastructure solutions incorporated with Azure.”

Justin Cosnett, Head of Product at Continent 8 Technologies, conveyed his enthusiasm regarding the joint venture, noting that attaining Microsoft Silver Partner standing is a demonstration of their developing cloud services. He acknowledged the group engaged in securing the certification, emphasizing their vast expertise in delivering premier cloud solutions to customers.

About the Author

By Haley "Harmony" Ayers

Holding a Ph.D. in Quantum Information Theory and a Master's in Physics, this accomplished author has a deep understanding of the quantum and physical principles underlying the operation and performance of gambling devices and systems and their implications for the fairness and randomness of gambling outcomes. They have expertise in quantum entanglement, quantum random number generation, and quantum game theory, which they apply to the analysis of the quantum and physical aspects of gambling machines and the development of strategies to ensure the integrity and unpredictability of gambling results. Their articles and reviews provide readers with a quantum and physical perspective on the casino industry and the strategies used to guarantee the fairness and randomness of gambling experiences.

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